Download Genshin Impact Map Liyue Background
Download Genshin Impact Map Liyue Background. Shrines found in these regions are specific and possess properties of that region. A bountiful harbor that lies in the east of teyvat.
El puerto de liyue es la segunda ciudad que ha sido revelada por el desarrollador mihoyo, habiendo sido estrenada durante la segunda beta cerrada en marzo de 2020.
Toute reprsentation / reproduction intgrale ou partielle faite sans le consentement de l'auteur genshin impact fr n'est pas affili avec mihoyo ou leurs associs. Genshin impact features a vast open world that is thankfully fitted with many teleport waypoints. Overview for liyue city reputation in genshin impact. Liyue harbor is the second city to be revealed by developer mihoyo, having premiered during the we'll update the map as soon as we unlock the remaining territories, revealing the sprawling world of.